Dear Friends,
Thoughts, ideas, experiences, words, images...they have all been whirling in and around me for weeks and days, wondering what feels right to share.
Mostly I am left with "Silence". Silence of my body, as my thinking mind continues to rival around a seemingly endless supply of thoughts, "contaminated" by so many powerful pressing topics which seem to glue us all together right now, and which leave me feeling helpless.
Then I begin to move and breathe, reminding myself, "Allow your body to be your teacher and your guide; stay connected to the feeling-state in which you inhabit this being called Fiona"
As I continue to transition from one asana to the next, still vividly aware of the constant barage of information flowing through me, supported by a seamless stream of emotions, I allow them all to ride the wave of my breathing as I smile and simply continue. Slowly and steadily, like our sweet tortoise emerging on a cold day, I notice the inner quietness starting to creep in. More space to breathe deeply. More fluidity in my joints. More softness in my expression. More ease. As if the sun starts to rise in me, warming from the inside out - a gold frequency like no other. I feel new, reborn, light.
Yoga has been define and re-defined 1000's of times over and over by each unique being who travels this path. As each of us unfolds our individuality through the yoga practice, deeply connected to our stories, past, present and future, we create a definition of what yoga is, in that moment. This definition changes, moment by moment, as we change. As our life stories unfold, we are invited to redefine ourselves and our practice. If we are to embrace and learn from suffering, then is it not also essential to redefine how we practice?
This is my sharing in this post - "Allow your body to be your teacher and your guide; stay connected to the feeling-state in which you inhabit this Being called You"
Honor your uniqueness. Honor your courage. Honor what life wishes you to share with others. Your truth lies within You; in your silence and place of stillness. Allow your practice to be submerged in images and feeling-tones that inspire your creativity, your lightness, your sense of love for life and others.
"All doubt, despair and fear become insignificant once the intention of life becomes love." Rumi